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Influencer Marketing

Identify Influencers With The Highest ROI

Boost Your Revenue

Work With The Right Influencers At The Right Time

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  • Connect with top influencers who your customers love
  • Connect with top influencers who your customers love
  • Connect with top influencers who your customers love
  • Connect with top influencers who your customers love

Identify Influencers With The Highest ROI

Tired of wasting ad spend on failed influencer campaigns?

  • Spend efficiently on influencers who generate the highest ROl while skipping the tedious work of finding the right personalities.
  • Analyze the traits and nuances of relevant influencers to identify the perfect fits for your brand.

Boost Your Revenue

  • Grow revenue by increasing brand awareness and reaching warm customers through effective influencer marketing campaigns.
  • Work with ideal influencers who your target audience relates to the most.
  • Compare different influencers—including rival influencers—to make the right decisions in your marketing strategy.

Work With The Right Influencers At The Right Time

Lucidya filters controversial influencers to prevent your brand from dealing with unwanted PR nightmares.

  • Connect with influencers who are likely to generate positive responses for your brand.
  • Get notified whenever a relevant influencer posts to keep up with your target audience’s reactions as they happen.

This use case was completed using Lucidya's CXM platform


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