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7 Common Analysis Mistakes You Need to Avoid- First Part
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Blog Views : 79

7 Common Analysis Mistakes You Need to Avoid- First Part

Many of us do a lot of effort during the research for accurate and reliable statistics and figures to make good decisions in our company. However, sometimes we discover that we’ve probably pursued the wrong approach by using unsuitable criterions standards that will not drive us the right information we are really seeking.

In this article, we’ve identified 4 common mistakes you need to avoid immediately while digging in your data and analytics, in order to save a lot of time and bad experiences.

Small Numbers aren’t always a bad Performance Indicator

It’s sometimes frustrating and disappointing when we see small numbers on the statistics dashboard for any marketing campaign (Advertising Reach, Email Open Rates, Website Views, etc.. )

Yes Sure, small numbers are great in many things like: bounce rates, opt-outs from email list, Conversion costs, etc..

However, what we want to say here is that they are not a bad sign everywhere else. It’s always better to have more qualified audience than more audience. It’s always to have a small targeted email list than a huge list of contacts with wide interests.

Confusion between the number of visits and views

It may seem that both terms are similar to some extent (maybe for non-google analytics persons), but in fact, there is a huge difference between them.

Visits represent the number of times the website was visited, without regard to repeat visitors. Page views represent the total number of pages that visitors looked at on our site. Visitors represent the number of actual people that visited our site.

For example: You (1 Visitor) visit an article on Lucidya’s Blog (1 Visits), and then you clicked on another 2 articles on the blog to read them (2 Page Views).

Choosing the wrong charts to represent your data

The visual representation of the data is one of the most effective ways to connect and display your team’s results, we all know that.

However, if you displayed them improperly this will result in distracting the audience and perhaps misleading decision-making process.

There are many ways in which you can represent your target audience and how your campaigns reached them.

There is a big difference between asking yourself “What I want to connect through this data” and “What I want to prove through this data.”

Ignoring the details

Unfortunately, most marketers are collecting data only for the purpose of displaying it in front of their manager or to communicate it on Monday’s meetings.

During the year, marketers are collecting tons of data from traffic sources, number of visits to conversions, open rates, etc.… without precisely tying those data with the actual profits.

You have to ask yourself, which email campaign was more successful? Which Ad you’ve spent on delivered more leads to your services? Which landing page is converting more and why?

You have to connect each marketing activity and its contribution in the high-level company goals.


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