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Utilize Statistics to Enhance Your Marketing Strategy
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Utilize Statistics to Enhance Your Marketing Strategy

Some questions will find an answer only in statistics, like which social media channel is more effective than the other one, which one has a higher return on Investment, and which is the marketing channel that brings more customers and conversion rates. You will not be able to know such information except through statistics and analysis, right? But how do these help to enhance your marketing strategy?

1-Identifying your Target Audience

It is very important to know the identity of your followers than to know their number. This detailed information is vital for the success of any marketing strategy. Statistics will provide you with some details about this area like the average age of your followers, their gender, their origin, etc… Having answers to such questions and others like the interests of your audience, their problems, and their targets shall represent a strong foundation for your marketing strategy.

2-Creating and Publishing Good Content

You have most probably heard the famous expression “Content is King” in the area of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). That’s what you need to do on social media to achieve a noticeable presence that your audience gets connected to. One of the most important factors that measure your success on social media is the Engagement rate that shows how much your audience engages with your content. To create a good content, you need to reach the depths of your audience interests and concerns.

3-Identifying the Best Publishing Time

One of the most frequent mistakes of digital marketing is the publishing timing, an element that plays a vital role in spreading the content. A good content is a very good step, however, selecting a bad timing for publishing this content ruins it all. One of the questions digital marketers often ask is when is the best timing to publish content? In fact, you are the best one to answer this question because there is no one-size answer. The best timing depends on the type of audience you are addressing, and consequently differs as per the product or service, and the marketing channel you are using.

You can never base your decision about timing on assumptions, and unless you are using one of the marketing platforms like Lucidya to monitor the best publishing time, and measure your audience interaction with the content you are publishing, you will never have an answer to this question. Start by analyzing the content that achieved the higher interaction rates, and notices its publishing time so you can have an idea about the ideal time frame for your content.

4-Knowing the Ubiquitous Hashtags

The word “hashtag” is tightly related to the social media, and the concept is being used in categorizing the content published through the social media channels, and making it easier to reach and consume. Using a proper hashtag can promote your content reach and extend it to a wider audience. Analysis platforms like Lucidya actually help you identify the ubiquitous hashtags that best fit your content, and allows it to yield the highest possible returns.

Through the first part of this article, we tackled some methods through which analytics can help in enhancing the digital marketing strategy, and expand your customer reach. You can read the first part from here. This part of the article shall tackle another set of methods.

5- Influencer Marketing

Enhance Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing through influencers has become one of the most powerful methods marketers depend on lately in some marketing channels like Instagram, as it helps widen your audience and spread your content within the influencers’ network. Through Lucidya, you are able to know the key influencers in the different industries, and their engagement levels on the different social media channels, so you can connect to them and start marketing your products and services through them.

One of the biggest mistakes marketers usually commit is the bad timing they choose to start marketing for their products and services, as well as the irrelevant marketing channels they market through. Lucidya allows you to identify the most convenient marketing channel that renders the best results for your products and services, and thus, enables you to choose the most effective channel that deserves your time and effort.

In case you are dedicating a lot of time and effort to a market channel that does not render the best results, you need to switch your focus to the channel that yields the best results for your products and services, and start directing your marketing efforts towards this channel.


One of the most important benefits Lucidya offers is the measurement of the ROI of the different marketing activities you conduct through the different social media channels. You really need to make sure that each dollar you spend and each minute you dedicate to a given social media channel renders the best results you can obtain. The analytical and statistical tools through Lucidya spare you the complex mathematical operations and highlight the value you acquire versus the cost you spend. One of the studies conducted by Convince and Convert site showed that 41% of the companies do not have any idea about whether marketing through the digital channels renders the results they aspire for or not.

The different measurement and analysis operations conducted to evaluate the value of the social media marketing activities allow companies and brands to take sound decisions that do not depend only on guesses and intuition. Knowing the channels that work allows you to conduct the necessary changes to enhance the marketing strategies you adopt through the social media channels. Through analytics tools such as Lucidya, a repository of data is available to help you identify the weakness areas your marketing efforts suffer from and measure the success of the different marketing strategies you implement.


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