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Lucidya signed a partnership agreement with Twitter

Lucidya, the Saudi pioneer social media analysis company, announces proudly having signed a partnership agreement with Twitter. As per the agreement, Lucidya will be able to use Gnip, the social media information provider platform Twitter has previously acquired. Lucidya shall become one of the fewest companies in the world and the first company in the Arab world to be able to analyze this multitude of data through Gnip platform.

Lucidya will leverage Gnip capabilities to cater more accurate and insightful understanding of the information being published on the different social media platforms especially Twitter. Information published on Twitter since its establishment back in 2006 will be analyzed through Lucidya transforming it into one of the quickest social media platforms analysis tools.

From his side, Abdullah Osseiri, Lucidya Co-founder and Executive Manager, expressed his enthusiasm towards the partnership and considered it a catalyzer positioning Lucidya as one of the few companies in the world that can provide and analyze this multitude of data going back to 2006. Customers shall benefit from distinguished and professional solutions enabling them to analyze their target markets, monitor their competitors, and analyze the performance of their marketing campaigns across the different digital platforms.

Hatem El Kameli, Lucidya Co-founder, Business Development & Marketing Manager, declared that by signing this agreement, Lucidya is stepping confidently into the Arab market by providing an added value that this market needs, and this through the set of specialized tools concerned by analyzing the social media platforms. About 500 specialized tools currently exist in the world, and this market is expected to yield to 5 billion 400 million US$ by 2020.

It is worth to mention that Lucidya company established in 2016 by Saudi hands is one of the companies supported by Wadi Maccah. Lucidya acquired a patent related to social media platforms content analysis, and offers a distinguished system for analyzing content published through these platforms in real time relying on geographical sites. Lucidya system helps companies analyze target markets, monitor the performance of their trade marks, and measure, among others, the performance of their marketing campaigns.


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