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Financial Services

In today’s digital landscape, financial companies must enhance their capabilities in handling modern market demands, exploring innovative banking trends, and leveraging the potential of social media to provide valuable solutions and products to consumers. Through Lucidya, financial institutions can better understand the evolving needs of their customers and stay ahead in the competitive market.

Understand your customers better

Find out where you stand in the market

Spot golden and hidden opportunities

Overcome PR disasters

Our platform is used by top Financial Services companies

Success Stories

Success Story

One of the leading banks in Saudi Arabia partnered with Lucidya since 2020 to enhance customer experience by managing social media interactions effectively. Key achievements with Lucidya’s platform include:

  • Real-time Alerts: Designated users received instant notifications for mentions or specific keywords, enabling proactive engagement with influencers and stakeholders.
  • Seamless Integration: Users integrated these alerts into their daily routines, including mobile access during weekends, facilitating rapid and informed decision-making.
  • Positive Feedback: The institution reported overwhelmingly positive feedback, with the swift alert system highlighted as one of the standout features of the Lucidya platform, ensuring timely responses before issues escalate or trends emerge.

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Understand your customers better

The modern consumer is now empowered with various financial solutions. It is your job to win over your target audience by making them feel that your brand is the best option for their financial needs. Lucidya’s social listening makes understanding your customers easier through our advanced sentiment analysis tool. Understand how your customers feel about your brand, what they really think of your products and services, and what drives them to trust their money with you.

  • Track online conversations to analyze your target audience’s perception of your brand and rival institutions.

  • Discover golden opportunities to connect with potential customers and influential personalities in the financial space.

  • Turn more leads into sales by understanding the factors that encourage consumers to buy through social media analytics.

Find out where you stand in the market

Understanding the position of your brand in the market is important for strategic planning. You might be the underdog, the market leader, or in between the financial services pile. What matters is to know where your brand stands so you can make better business decisions. Discover your brand’s standing and reputation in the market in comparison with your competitors. Find out what separates your company from the rest and how you can close the gap between your competitors. Analyze your brand’s share of voice in the industry and find out opportunities to increase your influence through relevant social media strategies.

  • Analyze your share of voice to benchmark your brand’s performance in the financial industry. Discover which strategies perform best to boost performance and improve cost-efficiency.

  • Learn and emulate successful competitor strategies to accelerate the growth of your share of voice.

  • Compare your brand against rivals across a wide range of metrics including growth, customer satisfaction, and response times with a single click.

Spot golden and hidden opportunities

There are hundreds of golden opportunities hidden in online customer conversations, waiting for the right company to take advantage. Lucidya social listening allows you to dial in on important customer conversations to identify pressing problems and develop profitable solutions in response.

  • Listen to conversations across multiple industries and channels to detect high-value customer needs and demands.

  • Execute better marketing strategies by tailoring your messaging according to the insights gained from social listening.

  • Take advantage of customer trends to gain an early head start over rivals for your products and services.

Overcome PR disasters

Complaints are all-too-common among financial service providers, ignoring them is not an option. With Lucidya, you can identify unhappy customers and quell their concerns before they become serious problems.

  • Detect dissatisfied customers by monitoring relevant social media keywords and assessing the sentiment around your brand.

  • Configure instant alerts so your customer support team can connect with unhappy customers the moment they’re identified.

  • Avoid PR disasters by planning successful recovery strategies with valuable insights gained from social listening.

Our products are perfectly suited for the telecom industry

Thousands of businesses rely upon Lucidya

Ranked as the highest-rated by users in the MENA region and among the best in the world

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