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Market Research and Intelegence

Smart Market Penetration Planning

Improve Product Management

Identify New Market Segments

Accurate Customer Behavior Analysis

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  • Gain access to never-before-seen social media insights for your brand
  • Gain access to never-before-seen social media insights for your brand
  • Gain access to never-before-seen social media insights for your brand
  • Gain access to never-before-seen social media insights for your brand

Smart Market Penetration Planning

Reduce operational risk by identifying key players, their strengths, weaknesses, and behaviors to successfully enter new markets. Filter your results down to the tiniest details for cleaner, more precise market research insights. Mitigate the risks of new products and services by understanding your customers from A to Z with our comprehensive audience insights tool.

Improve Product Management

Leverage sentiment analysis to uncover what delights and disappoints your target audience when launching a new product or service. Improve your existing offerings with practical insights gained from high-value customers that make up the majority of your revenue.


Identify New Market Segments

Target new demographics that you missed previously to boost profits and market dominance tenfold. Look back at customer insights from the past to see how markets have changed over time. Identify top keywords and trends your brand should be aiming for to ensure your content caters perfectly to your target audience’s evolving needs.

Accurate Customer Behavior Analysis

Discover the factors that drive customer purchases and what delights them—without the tedious data work. Break down your brand’s content into segments to fine-tune analysis and uncover high-performing assets easily. Create relevant content that drives sales and generates valuable leads from social media.

This use case was completed using Lucidya's CXM platform


Let’s Make Smarter Business together

Ranked as the highest-rated in our category by users in the MENA region and among the best in the world

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