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How Social Listening Can Help Brands Manage Customers and Brand Reputation in a Pandemic (COVID-19)
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How Social Listening Can Help Brands Manage Customers and Brand Reputation in a Pandemic (COVID-19)

How Social Listening Can Help Brands Manage Customers and Brand Reputation in a Pandemic!

COVID-19 has left a huge impact on economies around the world. Knowing how to manage your brand during times of crisis like this is important to keep your customers happy and brand reputation high. How can you achieve these two goals with social listening?

How COVID-19 Is Impacting Businesses

The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on economies is unparalleled in world history. Businesses of all sizes—even enterprises—are struggling to cope with reduced market demand, leading to extremely high unemployment rates. Jobless claims in the U.S. crossed the six million mark in less than a week of applications being opened while markets fell to record-breaking levels, exceeding that of the 2008 global financial crisis,

Now is the time for businesses to go back to the drawing board and rethink their strategies. Despite the challenges, organizations still need to meet their goals, albeit at a reduced scale. It’s the companies that make wise decisions now who will come out ahead when the economy eventually bounces back.

How Will Your Customers and Brand Reputation in a Pandemic Be Affected by This?

Your business is likely to be affected by the crisis negatively. Customers will dial in to cancel their orders or subscriptions. Suppliers may struggle to deliver goods when dealing with travel restrictions. You may even need to reduce spending to keep afloat.

However, this doesn’t mean you should stop serving customers and finding new clients. There’s less money to be made because people are holding cash. But, the clients you support when times are hard will appreciate your brand when the pandemic is over, improving your brand reputation and customer trust.

This is where social listening plays a part. With social listening, you can dial in on relevant conversations on social media to identify opportunities your brand can take advantage of. Here are five ways your brand can benefit from a social listening tool like Lucidya.

5 Ways to Maintain Customer Happiness and Brand Reputation With Social Listening

1. Keep Track of Customer Needs

During times of crisis, customers will voice out their feelings about the current situation. Since everyone is at home, people flock to social media as a platform to express their thoughts and opinions. You can use this to your benefit by tracking relevant conversations that allow you to identify critical customer needs.

Brand Reputation in a Pandemic
Lucidya’s brand reputation analysis dashboard

If you’re selling a video conferencing software, you can monitor conversations from business owners who are looking for remote tools to manage employees working from home. You can use Lucidya’s advanced filters to further refine your results and highlight only qualified conversations.

You can also use social listening to keep track of your existing customers’ needs. Your customers could ask questions like:

  • Are your features working as intended? 
  • Are your services keeping up with increased demand? 
  • Are there any suggestions from the community that are not available yet in your product? 

These queries are found on any social media platform which is why you need to leverage technology so you don’t waste time doing manual work. Addressing them will go a long way in boosting customer loyalty and brand reputation.

2. Be Aware of the Latest News and Updates

There are always updates and news surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. We even launched a dashboard to keep track of the latest coronavirus updates awhile ago. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to be aware of the latest news relevant to your organization. This means staying updated on important events, industry updates, and so forth.

For instance, you can keep track of government programs designed to accommodate businesses during the pandemic. This keeps your finances stable when clients are not spending much on your products and services. You can also keep tabs on furloughing schemes if you don’t want to dismiss employees while restructuring your budget.

Regardless of your objective, we recommend staying updated so your organization does not fall behind more proactive rivals in the market. Lucidya helps you achieve this by tracking specific keywords, topics, or mentions on every social media platform easily.

3. Launch Relevant Campaigns

Your brand can use the in-depth insights gained from social listening to craft targeted campaigns during a pandemic. This allows you to give back to your clients by creating high-value campaigns like free or discounted plans for your services—a strategy that many leading companies are already doing at the moment.

One way to craft better campaigns is to analyze audience sentiment which is one of Lucidya’s top features. In other words, how are your customers feeling right now about the crisis? This allows you to gauge your audience which helps immensely in sending the right message across in your campaigns, be it on social media or any other digital channel.

4. Improve Your PR Through Community Service

Managing your PR is crucial in challenging times like this. People get unsettled easily when their lives are affected by an event as massive as the COVID-19 crisis. As a result, customers expect tip-top service from your company when they’re spending their hard-earned money on your business.

Brand Reputation in a Pandemic
Monitoring negative customer tweets and mentions on social media with Lucidya

With a social listening tool, you can address negative tweets or comments from customers on social media before they turn into PR disasters. Not only do you avoid upsetting customers, but you will also improve brand reputation by being active on social media and resolving problems the moment they appear.

Why Lucidya Is a Must-Have Tool for Crisis Management

Lucidya is an AI-powered social media listening tool that empowers companies operating in Arabic-speaking countries with in-depth, never-before-seen customer insights. With Lucidya, businesses can build profitable products, boost customer satisfaction, execute successful campaigns, and close more sales thanks to our extensive list of social media listening features.

Ready to listen to your most valued customers?

Discovering the Ideal Influencers for Your Brand with Lucidya: Enhancing Influencer Marketing Efforts


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